Monday, May 24, 2010

Been too long.

Hi everyone,

needed to put a new post,
when an idea strikes, i'll let you know ;)


Monday, May 10, 2010

I could really use a wish right now

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy mothers day

Happy mother's day everyone!

Hope everyone made there mom's breakfast and is treating there mother like gold!

Have a great day, tell your mom you love her

Xo; Becca!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


amazing :)
"cause here, here we go again"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Halfway gone...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Best website..

Haaai guys,
thought I would share this ridiculously hilarious website.

Enjoy! ;

Greatest movie out there..

Avatar is DEFINITELY on my top 5 of movies. It was done amazingly, I can't believe I didn't go see this in theaters. I give it 2 thumbs up, 5 stars. Whatever, it was amazing. Thank you James Cameron for this masterpiece.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day; I have lost count.

Hi guys. So.. I know. Here I go again missing days. But still lack of motivation. Anyway. Had a bad weekend. Not getting into it. Lets just say I was REALLY drunk, and paid for it yesterday
Slept all day, and all night sleeping to cure my RIDICULOUS hangover. Finally feeling myself again.

Tomorrow it's back to school, not looking forward to that. I just want the weekend to last FOREVER
But on a positive note, placement is in about 3-4 weeks. I want that more than ANYTHIIING!

I'm gonna take a break from the interwebs, I will be back with some updates in my lyfe!

Xo; Becca!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Will the drama EVER end..?

School is becoming a drama fest, debbie downer, retarded, shitty.
WHATEVER you wanna call it, EVEREST COLLEGE IS A PIECE of shittttttt

STILL haven't got my osap, and class sucks
only 4 weeks becca, is what I keep telling myself,
Can I make it?! I hope so :|

Day; 9.. 10... 11? More?!

Hi guys :$ I KNOW i missed some days. my bad! I just have been unmotivated to do anything on here to be honest.

Well, this blog is kind of pointless, I don't even have any interesting fact to put on here or pictures.
I'll come back when I feel more motivated :D Promise!

Xo; Becca!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day; 7 & 8; :D

Hi guys, I missed a day again, I know! MY BAD. Last night I didn't even end up coming on the computer, I was way too tired, I fell asleep-ish at 9:30, but actually slept at 11, and let me tell you, it was beautiful :) Never felt more rested in my whole life.

Today I am stuck babysitting, for the whole day WOO, its awesome I tell ya. I made tortellini for dinner with fries, YUM haha.

Yesterday my bestfriend and I went to a park near her house, and played Frisbee, it was pretty fun :) I am also not too good at throwing a frisbee, my aim is way off, it was pretty funny haha.

Tonight, I hope to get the same sleep as I did last night :D Here's hoping eh.
Ohh also right now I am sippin on some Apple Smirnoff Vodka Coolers, nom nom nomI really think thats all for today's blog, I will catch ya'll on the flip side!
Xo; Becca!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 6; Heyy soul sister.

Hi everyone, so for today's blog, I decided I was going to do like a survey thing haha, stolen off of facebook :)

so here it goes!;

Ready for some actual new questions?
Of course.

How many people have you had REAL STRONG feelings for since highschool started?
2 or so.

Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex?

Where is the last person you kissed?
No idea, and don't really care.

Was your last text message from a girl or boy?

Are you easy to get along with?
Of course.

Would you hook up with the last person you texted?
Lol, no.

Do you still talk to the last person you kissed?
No so much.

Is there a song that every time you hear it, you think of someone?

Is your sister a slut?

Does it bother you when you text somebody and they take forever to respond?
If it's urgent yes.

Have you ever had a pet goldfish?
Nope. My mom was and still is cruel hahah

Are you friends with someone named Matthew?

Can you play guitar hero?
On easy

Name someone that made you laugh today?
People in class, Kayla

Are your eyes the same color as your mom's or dad's?

Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?

Do you smile a lot?
I try to all day, everyday

Which do you prefer - eyes or lips?
Eyes, but if you have nice lips, then that's a plus.

Do you think age matters in relationships?
Nope, its how old they act.

Are you short?
Meh, normal height.

Would you be shocked if the last person you kissed texted you right now?
Lol, yep.

Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?

Are you passive?

Would you rather lose your best friend or the last person you kissed?
Last person I kissed.

Was 2009 a good year for you?
Whatever it was fine.

Have you ever been kissed on the cheek?
Awww yes.

Can you honestly say you're happy right now?
Yep I am good.

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Are you wearing a necklace?
No dice.

Whats the first thing you did this morning?
Woke up, obvyyy

Is there anything stressing you out currently?
Yep. Well ish.

Do you need to talk to someone right now?

Name something you cannot wait for:
Weekend, I just want to relax.

What was your favorite grade?
I liked 9, and 12

Do you miss someone?
Of course.

Do you wake up cranky?

Last time you laughed hard and at what?
Ugh I laugh hard erryday.

Do you know who you'll even kiss next?

WHAT: happened at 11:00 am today?
Gittin readz for skewl.

ARE YOU: wearing something you borrowed from someone?

WHAT: is the last thing someone bought you?
Maybe food?

WHO: took your profile picture on Facebook?

WHAT’S: your current problem?

WHO WAS: the last person you saw?
Townsend :)

LAST: person you freaked out on?

THINGS: you say a lot when you are mad?

FAVE: pop?
I like pepsi.

DO YOU: crack your knuckles?

HAVE YOU: cried today at all?
No dice.

ARE YOU: ticklish?
A bit.

ARE YOU: happy right now?

WHO WAS: the last person you talked to last night before bed?

HAVE YOU MADE: a mistake this past week?

DO YOU: miss someone?

DO YOU KNOW: anyone with the same name as you?
I know OF some lol

WHEN WAS: the last time you really laughed?

HOW LONG: is your hair?

DID YOU: have a nap today?
Ugggh I wish

HAVE ANY: regrets?

DO YOU USE: an alarm clock?

DO YOU: work?

ARE YOU: social or antisocial person?
Social most of the time.

DO YOU: have a tan?
Ish, on my arms.

WHO WAS THE LAST: person to disappoint you?
Some person, who da fuck carez

DO YOU TRUST: people?
A little bit of ppl.


HOW: did you do on the last test you took?
Not sure yet :@

WHAT: show did you last watch?
LA Ink.

WHAT: foods make you sick?
Snails.. legit. Maybe mushrooms too.

DO YOU: get shy around the guy you like?
Yes, but atm I like no one.

DO YOU: remember what you were like a year ago?

ARE YOU: the youngest in your family?

DO YOU: have family problems?

WHO ARE: there pictures of in the room you're currently in?
No pictures.

NAME ONE THING: people think about you that's not true?
:S I dont know.

WHAT IS: the weather like outside?

HAVE YOU EVER: seen a 3D movie in theaters?

HAVE YOU: memorized your social security number?
Now I have because I have used it so much.

HAVE YOU EVER: had a dream about people you love dying?
Yea I'm sure.

WHO WAS: the last person you couldn't keep your mind off of?

WHAT WAS: the last advice you gave someone?
I can't remember what I said

WHAT: radio station do you listen to the most?

WHAT’S: your worst mark this term?
Like 80. :)

WHAT'S: your highest mark this term?

IF YOU DIED TODAY: would there be anything you wish you could've said to someone?

ARE YOU: on youtube(like in any videos)?

WHY DID: your last relationship end?

HAVE YOU EVER: been in love?

WHO: will you never forget?
Lots and lots of people.

AH So bored, this helped a little. I am really tired tho, so I will probably sleep soon.
No picture tonight, I wasn't inspired to find one, so this is it. Have a great night

Xo; Becca!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 5; Heartbreaaaker

Hi all. How was everyone's night? Mine was pretty chill, I stayed in, did some studying, tv, the usual :)

At the moment, just listening to some music "Hey Soul Sister" - Train, cutest song! Go check it out.

and my sister is totally making cake right now, haha stoked for the left overs, nom nom nom!

Tonight's blog is going to be boring considering I have nothing to talk about. Okay I lied, the weekend is almost here! Super exciting :) Time to relax and maybe tan?! I think that sounds lovely, oh and maybe take some pictures of the beautiful scenery :)

Tonight I am going to try to hit the hay early, I am so sleepy, because I have been up since 8 :S ugh.
Oh well, it promises for me being really tired right now and a really good sleep haha.

Alright everyone, sleepy sleepy time. Have a good one
Xo; Becca!

Alejandro, fernando, roberto

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 4; 16 & Pregnant

Hey everyone! So last night I obviously missed my blog, but I did it this morning.
Today I'm here on regular schedule :)

So I said I was going to talk about my day yesterday, well yep. UGH my teacher, is retarded, really retarded. Well he isn't really my teacher, but yea. My teacher was sick, so we were stuck with our other teacher, and let me tell you, ugh he is a bird! I wanted to kill him. Telling students things that aren't right, acting like a child basically. He made me so mad, I just signed out.

But, on to lighter subjects, tonight I watched 16 & Pregnant, totally one of my favorite shows, this episode was really good too :) & of course the baby was really cute :D aha It made me cry, that means it's good in my books!

I also got some sun today, which is pretty wicked, cannot wait to tan this summer ladies and gentlemen! :)

Anyway, got nothing else for you, have a fabulous night everyone
Xo; Becca!

Day 3; OH NO!

OHZ NOZ! I missed last night, Jeez :( But that's okay, I'm making up for it right now! at 11:41 am the next day :$
Sorry everyone, won't happen again, promise hehe.

Anyway, YESTERDAY was a good day I suppose, well after school, during school, was just not good. I will explain that in TODAY'S blog, promise. But last night was good, went on another hike to Felkers falls, it was the same as last time, nothing new and exciting hahah, so next time, we are going to explore a new place!

Okay everyone, right now I am cutting it short, but I will be back later,
Catch ya'll on tha flip side.

Xo; Becca!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lists, lists, lists.

So I was sitting here today, thinking of a list of things I want to accomplish this year, and I got it all onto a huge list, and organized it, and I thought I would show you all.
Note: For some of these, they will take the whole year to accomplish them, but some will take less. Wish me luck please! I really want to accomplish this :)

1. Maintain a bob haircut, with trims every 2 months
2. Work my way back to blond highlighted hair & stay that way!
3. Change someone's life.
4. Be confident & have a good attitude about myself.
5. Get over 3 fears.
6. Start School on February 22nd, 2010 & finish the "Personal Support Worker" program. *Started.
7. Find a steady job.
8. Jog / Do the stairs at least 5 days a week till I'm happy with the way I look.
9. Get a tattoo.
10. Get wisdom teeth removed.
11. Become less shy.
12. Pursue my career of autistic teaching
13. Smile EVERYday.
14. Talk to someone new everyday.
15. Learn how to act around people
16. Lose 20 lbs & maintain a good physique.
17. Try a tanning bed.
18. Act my age.
19. Cherish the small things in life.
20. Get out of debt. *Started - Mohawk Fee (In Collections) of $94.99 - Paid
21. Make someone else smile.

22. Break in my heels, and wear them more often.
23. Buy a new purse and wallet.
24. Buy a new belt & different kinds.
25. Invest in good makeup.
26. Buy a bathing suit that flatters my physique.
27. Learn how to dress properly.
28. Buy a leather jacket.
29. Own a pair of UGGS. *Completed: February 1st 2010
30. Buy a good selection of perfumes.
31. Buy lots of bra's and panties.
32. Buy nice skate shoes.

33. Watch EVERY movie I own in my house + more.
34. Watch each "Lord of the Rings" extended versions in one day.
35. Own every season of "Reba", "Saved by the Bell", "Full House", "The OC" & more.
36. Own "Breakfast Club".
37. Buy CD's of all the artists I like.
38. Have a "Disney" movie marathon day & watch as many "Disney" movies as I can.
39. Purchase a new iPod.
40. Go one month without Tv & Movies.

41. Read 15 new books this year.
42. Go to a book signing.
43. Subscribe to a magazine.
44. Read Lauren Conrad's Book "LA Candy"
45. In my month of no Tv & Movies, Read 5 out of 15 of new books.
46. Write a short story.
47. Be confident enough to show people my short story.
48. Read Shakespeare novels & plays.

49. Purchase a sudoku book & complete it.
50. Purchase a crossword book & complete it.
51. Purchase a word search book & complete it.
52. Plant a garden this spring.
53. Pull an all-nighter 5 times this summer.
54. Have a house party; without anything breaking.
55. Buy board games & play them all in the same day.
56. Have a phone call for more then 5 minutes. *Completed:February 20th 2010
57. Spend the night with as many friends as possible.
58. No drinking for 1 month.
59. Save 50 dollars from every pay I get - when I get a job.
60. Make a new good friend.
61. Re-kindle a friendship with an old friend & keep it. *Completed: February 6th 2010
62. Have a picnic with my besties.
63. Have a legit photoshoot.
64. Complete this list, THIS year.
65. Finish knitting my blanket.

66. Become close with my family (MAYBE)
67. Walk Dax & Axl once a week.
68. Create a good book collection.
69. Spend 1 evening a month with the family & talk about old times & make new memories.
70. Do my own laundry & everyone elses at least once a month.
71. Clean my room & keep it that way
72. Decorate my room with pictures of friends & family.

73. Celebrate my 20th birthday & make sure it's awesome
74. Find a boyfriend & celebrate christmas with them
75. Bake christmas cookies & pies for my family.
76. Have a drama free christmas
77. Do something really classy for new years.

78. Spend a week without computers, phone, iPod, or any electronic device that brings me into cyberspace.
79. Get laptop fixed, and keep it that way.
80. Create "Vlogs" on Youtube & get subscribers.
81. Complete an online survey & win something.
82. Maintain this blog once a day!
83. Purchase something off of iTunes.

84. Purchase Wii Fit & stay at it everyday.
85. Go to the states at least once this year.
86. Get another stamp in my passport.
87. Get nose and/or belly button pierced.
88. Purchase a nice camera & keep it in its normal condition - no dropping!
89. Take pictures on a monthly basis & post them on facebook :)
90. Become intrested in photography again & practice my skills.
91. Get my pictures copyrighted.
92. Buy a good journal & use it weekly - just like this :).
93. Make this list 100 things. *Completed: April 18th, 2010.
94. Send a letter to a friend.
95. Become a pen pal.
96. Lend a friend money if needed.
97. No junk food for 1 month.
98. Clean my WHOLE house.
99. Start sleeping at a regular time.
100. Look nice, EVERYday.
101. Get my G1.
102. Visit Brad Borutski at 12:00 midnight.

Xo; Becca!

Day 2; 8:31pm

Hey! So, day number 2 scheduled post, here I am, see I can do it! haha. Today, was a pretty lazy day, I am still in my pajamas from when I woke up :$. I'm over this whole sick ordeal, and I want to have a normal voice again, you should hear me, I sound like a dying cat, it's cute, honest!

I got a little inspired to go outside and take pictures. Which I did :) You can see them in my previous blog

Other than that, I have been sitting around basically all day.
Yesterday I went on a hike with my bestfriend, Kayla Townsend, to Felkers Falls it was pretty cool. Except the information sign that was supposed to be at the top of the falls, was at the bottom of the falls, it was very amusing lmao.
There is also a lot of garbage, they should get some people to clean that up :S haha.
Besides that, we were walking back, and basically out of the woods, and I was so smart, and tripped over a log ( I'll show you the after math, at the end of this post ) It was probably the most slick thing ever. Hahahaha.

It's definitely 9:52 now. I have slacked that much, I couldn't think of anything to write. But there you all have it. My exciting day ;). Lets hope tomorrow's post is a little more exciting.
There's the aftermath of my fall, so awesome I KNOW!

Have a good night loves!
Xo; Becca!


So I went outside, and took some pictures of my front yard, so here they are, enjoy;

Spring is in the air

So this isn't part of my regular post's, but I was just sitting here, looking outside the window, seeing how beautiful it looks. Blue skies, sun shining, warm breeze. Flowers blooming, grass greening, trees budding.

It has inspired me to go take pictures of the scenery and see what I get, I will post pictures on here showing you what I took. Have a lovely day, and go outside and enjoy the weather!

Xo; Becca!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 1; 1:30 am.

Hokay, so - I am most definitely am going to try to blog for 365 days, don't know how well this will workout, but we can always try!

Everyday, I will try to have something new on here and completely random, who knows what I will post, I don't even know. I guess something you will have to stay tuned for.
So, how about a random fact about myself, for my first post; I am left handed, for those of you who didn't know. I also found something about left handed people that I thought was kind of interesting:
"More than 90% of the world is right-handed. That means there are way more right-handed people than lefties. But if you're a lefty, don't feel alone in a right-handed world. Billions of people live on the globe. So there are hundreds of millions of lefties out there! There are actually more lefties today than ever. Why? Years ago, teachers forced left-handed kids to write with their right hand. They thought that was the correct way. Back then, some people even thought there might be something wrong inside a left-handed person's brain."
I personally love, how they thought something was wrong with left-handed people.

I am also going to try post a random or weird picture everyday I blog.
So here's today's random picture:I laughed pretty hard when I saw this bad boy :D
Anyway, enjoy and here's hoping I keep this up!

Xo; Becca!